Humanity is facing enormous challenges in addressing global warming. If we continue with the estimated pace of growth and development, the average annual temperature is projected to rise by 5°C by the end of this century. Such an increase would be catastrophic, making it imperative to take serious measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Intensive efforts are already underway. Numerous international agreements have been signed, and regulations have been enacted to curb harmful emissions. One of the medium-term goals is to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C by 2050. To achieve this, industries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions must become “carbon neutral” by 2050, meaning they must drastically reduce their emissions.s
The construction sector, particularly cement production, is one of these industries. This conference aims to explore all efforts, trends, scientific advancements, and policies related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry and the broader construction sector.
Conference topicsExploring opportunities for achieving a net-zero future
Presentation of innovative technologies and solutions for concrete sustainability
European projects showcasing practical applications and sustainable practices
Konstantinos Nikolaou, Chief Executive Director of Titan Usje
Goran Markovski, Dean, Faculty of civil engineering, Skopje
Aleksandar Nikolovski, Minister of transport, Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (TBD)
Izet Mexhiti, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (TBD)
Ivan Angelov, commercial and operational manager for Ready-Mixed Concrete, Titan Usje
Prof. Snezana Marinkovic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. Dr. Peter Mark, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Christoforos Voulgaris, Titan Cement SA, Greece
Prof. Goran Markovski, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje
Andrej Josifovski, Technical Director of GD Granit AD Skopje
Siljan Mihajlovski, President of the Board of Directors of F-ka Karposh AD Skopje
Daniel Cekov, Commercial Director of Ading AD Skopje
Maja Dijcinivska Kolic, Institute for Standardization of the Republic of North Macedonia (ISRPM)
Konstantinos Nikolaou, Chief Executive Director of Titan Usje
A comprehensive and urgent action plan is required from all stakeholders, including efficient and rational design, optimized concrete production, the use of green cements, advanced clinker production technologies, carbon capture and storage (CCS), green electricity, and recarbonization.
Scientific advancements in these areas are progressing rapidly, and standards, regulations, and policies have been established and agreed upon. However, this alone does not seem sufficient to achieve the ambitious net-zero goal. A full-scale mobilization and commitment from all stakeholders worldwide is essential.
Иван Ангелов е дипломиран градежен инженер со долгогодишно искуство во градежната индустрија, проектен менаџмент, производство и продажба на градежни материјали. Дипломирал на Градежниот факултет при Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје во 1987 година, специјализирајќи се во конструктивната насока.
Професионалната кариера ја започнал во 1988 година како програмер-аналитичар во Г.П. Пелагонија – Скопје, каде што бил ангажиран во развој на софтверски апликации и анализи на конструкции. Во 1993 година работел како асистент инженер на објекти во Кувајт, каде што бил вклучен во изградба на префабрикувани бетонски конструкции.
Од 1994 до 1999 година, Ангелов работел како градежен инженер во Виал Доо – Скопје, каде што работел на проектирање на армирано-бетонски и челични конструкции, проценка на недвижен имот и изработка на физибилити студии и анализи.
Во периодот од 2000 до 2001 година бил ангажиран во Проектната канцеларија на UNDP во Скопје, каде што управувал со инфраструктурни проекти во општините. Од 2002 до 2004 година работел за Светска Банка, раководејќи со развојни иницијативи поврзани со санација, реконструкција и пренамена на објекти.
Во 2005 година станал менаџер на секторот за готов бетон во Цементарница Усје А.Д. Скопје, каде што бил одговорен за целиот процес на производство и продажба. Од 2013 до 2020 година раководел со секторот за безбедност и здравје при работа, обезбедувајќи имплементација и контрола на релевантните стандарди.
Ангелов во 2021 година бил назначен за менаџер на секторот за продажба, каде што работел на пласман на цемент и агрегати и поддршка на клиентите. Од 2025 година е комерцијален и оперативен менаџер на секторот за готов бетон, со фокус на производство, продажба и развој на нови технологии и производи.
Активен е и во професионални организации. Од 2007 до 2020 година бил член на Институтот за стандардизација на Република Северна Македонија, учествувајќи во техничките комитети ТК-24 и ТК-25 и работната група за превод на стандардот EN-206. Во периодот од 2012 до 2016 година бил претседател на ТК-25, а од 2025 година е член на Советот на Институтот за стандардизација. Од 2021 година е дел од претседателството на Здружението на градежништвото, индустријата на градежните материјали и неметалите при Стопанската комора на Република Северна Македонија, каде што се залага за унапредување на состојбите во градежништвото.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark is a Full Professor for Reinforced Concrete Structures at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. He is involved in various cooperative research projects as well as numerous basic and application-oriented projects. Since 2018 he is coordinator of the priority program 2187 “Adaptive modularized constructions made in a flux” and co-initiator of the worldwide research network AdvanceAEC since 2020. Since 2025 he is also the spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Centre 1683 “Methods of interaction for the modular reuse of existing load-bearing structures”. He is author or co-author of more than 400 scientific publications in the field of structural engineering and co-author of the technical book "Optimization Aided Design - Reinforced Concrete".
He works as a consultant engineer and as an independent checking engineer for structural analysis. His research focuses on structural and conceptual optimization, mechanized tunneling, life-time oriented design and reuse of structures, fiber-reinforced concrete and automation strategies for modular fabrication.
Full professor at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCEUB)
Within her teaching activities, she has taught a number of subjects in the field of Concrete Structures at undergraduate and postgraduate studies at FCEUB. She mentored four defended PhD theses and four on-going, and a large number of Master and Bachelor theses. She co-authored four printed textbooks.
She works in the area of analysis and design of concrete structures, especially in the current area of application of green concretes and life cycle assessment. She is the founder and leader of the Concrete Structures Research Team within the Chair for Materials and Structures at FCEUB. She has published 7 international book chapters, 24 articles in the JCR journals, over 80 articles in international and national conference proceedings, 20 papers in national journals, etc. According to SCOPUS, her articles have been cited over 2300 times, h-index 19 (january 2025). She is Editor-in-Chief of Building Materials and Structures Journal from 2021 (Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije), listed in JCR from 2023.
She was the Vice-dean for science at FCEUB (2006–2012), Head of the Chair for Materials and Structures (2015-2020), member of the University Council of the University of Belgrade (2015–2018), and member of the Council of Scientific Field of civil engineering-urbanism sciences of the University of Belgrade (2015–). From 2015, she is a member of the Home Scientific Committee for traffic, urbanism, and construction of the Ministry for Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia. She was the General Secretary of the Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia 2006–2010, and member of its Presidium 2010-2021. She is corresponding member of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia (AESS) since 2018.
Within her engineering and expert activities, she co-authored a large number of conceptual and detailed designs, expertises, studies, and technical controls. Among the realized projects, special mention should be given to the Detailed structural design of the roof and main columns of the Belgrade Arena in New Belgrade, for which, as one of the designers, she received the Award for greatest achievement in structural engineering in Yugoslavia in 1999, given by the Yugoslavian association of structural engineers (YASE).
According to the world’s leading authority in climate changes IPCC, in order to prevent the serious damage to climate and well-being of all species on the planet, it is necessary to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2100. For that goal to be accomplished, carbon neutrality (net CO2 emissions equal to zero) is required globally by 2050. Concrete industry is responsible for large share of consumed energy and emitted CO2. In this lecture, decarbonisation technologies that are currently under development in the concrete sector are critically assessed from the holistic point of view, including environmental, economic and social aspects. Carbon capture and storage (utilisation), savings in the clinker and cement production, efficiency in the concrete production, and efficiency in the design and construction of structures are critical to achieve net zero emissions. Recycling and reuse in the concrete sector can contribute to CO2 reduction, but the scale at which these measures have to be applied for higher contribution globally is questionable. However, current mitigation actions and policies are not sufficient and immediate actions implying deep global emissions reductions this decade are required.
Mr. Konstantinos Nikolaou (Excerpt from Biography) Mr. Nikolaou is a highly accomplished Mechanical Engineer, having earned his degree from the prestigious Faculty of Engineering at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). He further enhanced his expertise by obtaining a Master’s degree in Management Science & Operational Research from the University of Warwick Business School in the United Kingdom.
Currently, Mr. Nikolaou holds the position of Chief Executive Director at TITAN Usje A.D. in North Macedonia, where he has demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic oversight. With over 22 years of extensive industrial experience, including a remarkable 17 years within the cement industry, Mr. Nikolaou has developed a profound understanding of production, maintenance, and operations management across diverse international markets.
Throughout his distinguished career, Mr. Nikolaou has held a variety of senior roles within TITAN Cement Group, contributing to its success in Greece, Bulgaria, and the United States (Florida), most notably as Plant Manager. His responsibilities in these roles encompassed comprehensive management of plant operations, optimizing production processes, and driving operational excellence.
In recognition of his expertise and leadership, Mr. Nikolaou was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Greek Exporters Association (SEVE) in May 2022, where he actively participates in shaping the strategies that promote Greek exports and foster business development globally.
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Mr. Nikolaou is committed to continuous learning and development. He is proficient in English and engages in high-level academic and professional seminars, such as the esteemed Harvard Business School STEP Program, ALBA University Managers Training, and Media Trainings, all of which underscore his dedication to advancing his leadership and strategic capabilities.
Mr. Nikolaou’s career is characterized by his profound industry knowledge, leadership excellence, and steadfast commitment to innovation and growth. His extensive experience in the cement industry, coupled with his academic background, makes him a highly valued figure within the global industrial and business community.
Prof. Dr. Goran Markovski is a Full Professor and the current Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. With over three decades of experience in higher education and and numerous leadership positions and memberships in associations in the fields of construction, architecture and engineering, he is a distinguished expert in structural engineering.
He earned his PhD in Civil Engineering in 2003, following his master’s and undergraduate studies at the same faculty. His academic career began in 1988 as an assistant professor, progressing through the ranks to associate and full professor.
Prof. Markovski has played a key role in professional associations and institutions, serving as President of the Engineering Institution of Macedonia (IMI), Chair of the Assembly of the Chamber of Authorized Architects and Engineers (KOAI), and President of the National Technical Committee for Eurocode Implementation.
He has received multiple awards from the Association of Structural Engineers of Macedonia for outstanding scientific and structural achievements, including projects for bridge reinforcement and major infrastructure developments.
He is the author of numerous research papers and studies in the fields of structural engineering, concrete materials, and structural dynamics. He has published extensively on topics related to concrete, with a focus on sustainability, durability, and innovative materials.